Posts by Scott Barstow

  1. The Discipline of Solving a Real Problem

    The question that trumps all other questions when starting out with a new idea: “What is the question you are answering?” If you can’t articulate a concise response in less...

  2. Shedding

    There are times when it’s appropriate to take on new things.  Opportunities present themselves that seem like they will lead somewhere, and so time and energy is committed and spent....

  3. Books to Read – April 2012

    After a couple of months away due to laziness, the monthly Books to Read list is back.  There are some good ones in this month’s list.  I hope you enjoy...

  4. Call Us, We Won’t Call You

    I write a lot on this blog about stupid things that businesses do, not so much to be critical of them but to remind all of us that every single...

  5. For Free

    A few weeks back I was having breakfast with Bruce Benedict, the proprietor and creator of Cardiphonia.  Cardiphonia is a music label in the 21st century sense of the word,...

  6. MLK

    I read this quote on Seth Godin’s blog today from Martin Luther King, Jr.  It’s tremendous, and worth repeating, especially with the circus we are about to endure in an...

  7. Would You Like Some Bland With That?

    I spent the week between Christmas and New Years in Tulsa, OK visiting family.  On one of the days my wife and I decided to go get some coffee (or...

  8. The Number Two

    A man with two clocks never knows the time. A man cannot serve two masters. These independent thoughts have in common the distraction of having two of something.  In the...

  9. Books to Read – January 2012

    I usually pull most of the books I recommend each month from my current reading list.  Last month, however, was a particularly bad month for reading for me.  I seemed...

  10. Starting With @ – A Common Twitter Misunderstanding

    If you use Twitter, there is a well-kept secret about starting your tweets with @.  If the first character in your tweet is a Twitter address (e.g. @joeblow), only the...

  11. Nothing is Fatal

    Except, well, death. When I am in periods like I am right now, where everything is going sideways, it’s a good reminder that there are very few things that are...

  12. On Liberty

    I rarely delve into politics on this blog.  The reason for this is that I aim primarily for this blog to be informative and interesting, and politics is usually neither....

  13. You Never Know Who’s in the Room

    A few years back I went to see a Switchfoot concert at a college nearby.  At the time I knew who they were, but would not have considered myself a...

  14. Books to Read – December 2011

    As we wind down 2011, the following is my must-read list for December.  These books are a combination of recently read and a classic that have a theme of great...

  15. Observations from a Rural Outpost

    I am spending this week with family in upstate NY.  My parents have lived in the same house for close to 45 years, and I love getting up here a...

  16. The Technology Adoption Debt

    I am guilty many times of rushing to judgement about how widespread technology adoption is among the general population in the US.  I often presume that because I know about...

  17. Backupify – A Service To Back Up Your Gmail and Social Accounts

    I have been a customer of Gmail since 2004.  Since that time, nearly all of my email has been stored with Google.  It’s something I fret about from time to...

  18. It’s What We Have

    I was listening to an interview with REM the other night on NPR.  Michael Stipe and Mike Miles were in studio, talking about closing out three decades of amazing music....

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