Posts by Scott Barstow

  1. Project-based education

    I met Chris Lehmann from Science Leadership Academy on the way to Austin last Saturday.  Chris runs a school in Philadelphia called Science Leadership Academy ( ).  I would...

  2. A Recap of SXSW 2011

    I just got home today from a great but tiring trip to Austin for the SXSW Festival.  This is the first time I have attended the event, and it was...

  3. LegalZoom and Password Resets

    The other day I got an alert from LegalZoom telling me that I had some filing deadlines approaching for a company I have an interest in.  When I clicked on...

  4. The Harvard of…

    I like it when people refer to things as “The Harvard of…”.  I thought I would compile my own list of “The Harvard of…” Harvard - The Oxford of the...

  5. Books To Read – March 2011

    The Warmth Of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration By Isabel Wilkerson I stumbled across this book thanks to Amazon’s recommendation engine.  This book re-tells the story...

  6. Are Sanctions the Answer in Libya?

    I don’t understand how sanctions against Libya are supposed to force Gadhafi from power.  Economic sanctions hurt the very people we are trying to help, the citizens of Libya. The...

  7. What is the optimal company headcount?

    I got a topic from Kade Ross (@kadeross) last night related to an article about the effect of increasing headcount on employee productivity.  You can read the article here.  The...

  8. TWAM

    Tonight I posted a tweet about hating my iPhone.  It happens from time to time.  I promptly received two or three replies from Twitter bots offering me new Apple gear....

  9. You Have to Believe

    your own bullshit. Trying to convince someone else that you have something worthwhile to offer when you don’t believe it yourself doesn’t work.

  10. Stick a fork in me

    Last night was my last night as the head coach of varsity boys basketball at Trinity Academy.  I spent the last four winters doing something that I never thought I...

  11. Four Questions To Ask About An Idea

    I was at lunch with a local successful entrepreneur today, and he shared these four questions to ask when figuring out whether or not an idea is worth pursuing.  I...

  12. That’s Amore

    Love means different things to different people.  I think, when we are young, we all think love is romance.  Of course, we are young and stupid, so we really don’t...

  13. The Value of OPO

    Over the last few weeks I have realized how valuable other people’s opinions are, and furthermore how valuable collaboration is.  This is not a universal truth.  Glenn Beck and Bill...

  14. Don’t Say It’s Free Unless It Is

    We have had an uptick of break-ins in our neighborhood.  Apparently the security companies are aware of this, and one of them and paid us a visit over the weekend...

  15. Books To Read – February 2011

    The Rational Optimist By Matt Ridley I am not much of an optimist, or at least I should say I haven’t been in the past.  As I have gotten older,...

  16. The Death Spiral Of The Cheapest

    I was in a meeting a couple of days ago with a non-profit organization that is doing great things ( or at least trying to ).  They are building out...

  17. Technology Isn’t About Technology

    I was sitting at home this weekend watching some of the football games, and had the opportunity to watch both Apple ( primarily iPad, but the same is true of...

  18. My wife had the great idea on our trip to Italy to take this same picture in lots of different spots in the country.  This is our daughter in Montalcino....

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