Posts by Scott Barstow
I have noticed lately that everyone is using Agile software development. I wrote about this trend at Symantec previously, and since leaving, I have noticed it in a number of...
Scott wanted me to write a guest post on his blog as the next update on the apprenticeship that he and I cooked up in our secret laboratory. This is...
Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed a decidedly negative trend in my work habits. I have been reacting to the environment rather than trying to create the...
If you pay attention to what you eat, and if you are paying attention to what is being fed to you more importantly, there is a bold new frontier about...
I spend a lot of time on my own. I work out of my basement in my house, and most of the work I do is over chat or the...
I read this article today by Frank Rich, the esteemed columnist from the beacon of truth, the New York Times. I was stunned to find out the following things: The...
A wise man once said “There are two kinds of people in the world. The kind of people that divide the world into two kinds of people, and the kind...
As I wrote about sometime back, I took on an apprentice / intern this year. I wrote about the idea of the return of apprenticeships earlier this year as a...
I was out for some early morning exercise one day this week and started thinking about the Seinfeld episode where Kramer has a mysterious cough that no one can seem...
As I wrote about a few weeks ago, I left Symantec Corporation after two plus years of service. My last day was this last Friday. I spent the weekend tying...
I wrote a few days ago about this story, and wanted to post a link to an article that has a video at the end about the story of Rod...
A few weeks back, I was singing the praises of Now, I am beginning to wonder if the acquisition by Quicken is starting to drag them down. There has...
There are times in life where events simply make no sense. Last week a friend of mine had a brother who was going to die from liver disease. I went...
Sunday night for my family is usually spent making popcorn and watching a movie or something on TV. We have done this ever since our kids were little, and it’s...
My kids love watching the show So You Think You Can Dance. I don’t mind it either. A few weeks ago a song by Christina Perri called “Jar Of Hearts” was...
I want you to grow up and be independent. I want you to stay young and always need me. I want you to be strong and tough. I never want...
I have been at Symantec for over two years. I came there to work with two good friends on some new initiatives happening after their product was acquired. I had...
I was reading the story of Kaye Cowher’s death yesterday and found it to be both sad and inspiring. Kaye was the wife of former Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher...