
Books To Read – January 2011

Books I have read in the last six months that I would recommend:
The Mesh by Laura Gansky

This is a really good book about the future of business from a proven entrepreneur.  In-depth analysis of ZipCar and other “sharing” models makes for interesting and thought-provoking reading.

The Confession by John Grisham

I have read most all of the John Grisham novels, including some that I really thought were not that great ( most of the recent ones ).  This one, however, I really liked.  I read it in three nights over the holidays.  It’s an easy read, and worth getting

The Language of God by Francis Collins

Francis Collins was the head of the Human Genome project here in the U.S. In this book, Dr. Collins presents a masterful case for the coexistence of God and evolution.  I have read a lot on this topic, seeking to reconcile what is known to be true scientifically with what is in the Bible.  I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it, whether you believe in the teachings of the Bible or not.
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

I was a bit late to the Ayn Rand party, having read both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged this past year.  I fell in love with this book, and even if you have read it before, I would highly recommend reading it again.  Then go do some John Galt stuff and wreck things.
Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeir Hanson

If you are in technology, the guys at 37 Signals seem to get it right more than just about anybody.  This is an easy read, full of “blog post” type chapters that are short and to the point, yet full of information and ideas for how to run your technology organization.  Read it, and keep it handy to go back to.
Where Men Win Glory by Jon Krakauer

If you like Jon Krakauer, this is yet another in a long list of great books.  From Into Thin Air, Into The Wild and Under The Banner of Heaven, I have not hit one yet that was not worth the read.  I am about half way through this one, and it’s excellent.

It will both sicken and inspire you.
Touching The Void by Joe Simpson

Simply one of the most amazing stories you will ever read.  This is in my top ten non-fiction all time.  Unbelievable story of courage, tragedy and human triumph.  After you read the book, watch the docu-drama.

Hopefully this list has a little something for everyone on it.  Enjoy, and please let me know what you think of the books as you read them.

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