Category Archives: General

  1. The Untechnical Founder Death Spiral

    You've got the next great idea for a killer app, but you're not a developer and you've never built a technology product before. However, you're in luck because you have...

  2. It’s Time To Go

    This past Sunday night I was working on a bike with my son. We're disassembling an old bike and are going to build a new one from scratch on the...

  3. What is DNS?

    If we were driving in New York City and we wanted to get to the Empire State Building, we wouldn't say "Let's go to latitude 40.74844, longitude -73.98566." We would...

  4. Another (Better?) Take on Technical Debt

    In a previous article entitled "What Is Technical Debt?", we talked about nuts and bolts of technical debt. I've since come to the conclusion that, although what I presented is...

  5. Three Legal Mistakes That Can Sink Your Company

    Every now and then I like to bring in guests to address topics that I consider to be as important as the nuts and bolts of building your product. I...

  6. Always Be Hiring

    This post originally appeared on Linked In. A good friend of mine recently published a book on raising money called Get Backed. One of the core principles of the book is that...

  7. The False Religion of Process

    There are lots of ways to manage the process of building software. Some of the more popular ones today are Scrum and Kanban, both specific implementations of the Agile methodology. It...

  8. Auditions – Assessing Growth Potential

    This is the last in a 4-part series on using auditions, or test projects, to hire technical talent. In the first article we introduced the idea of auditions, why they are...

  9. Auditions – Testing for Team Fit

    We've been talking about using auditions, or test projects, in hiring technical talent. In the first article, we talked about why auditions are important, and reviewed at a high level...

  10. Auditions – Testing for Technical Competency

    In our last article, we covered the three goals of an audition and the basic guidelines for using one to hire technical talent. If you happened to miss it, do...

  11. How to Use Auditions in Hiring Technical Talent

    Without a doubt the topic I get asked most about is hiring and managing technical talent.  Whether it's your technical co-founder, a key early hire, or a contractor, a key...

  12. What is Technical Debt?

    "The borrower is a slave to the lender" - The Book of Proverbs It's going to happen to you. It's inevitable. You're going to take on technical debt as you...

  13. If It’s Not Written Down, It’s Not Done

    Do you ever have those moments where you solve the same problem again because you didn't write down how you solved it the first time? When you're running hard, particularly...

  14. “How Do I Know the Quality of My Code?”

    Whether you're using contractors or you have your own development team, chances are you're going to wonder at some point whether or not the quality of your code is up...

  15. What Are the Different Ways Software Gets Released?

    If you're building your first technology project, you'll need to understand the different ways software gets distributed to your users so that you can make intelligent decisions on what is...

  16. “Why Don’t My Developers Build What I Asked For?”

    There are many reasons why technology projects go over the cliff, but the inability to clearly communicate between product owners and developers is at or near the top of the list....

  17. How to Use Demo Days to Stay on Track

    When I was running the product team at Symantec responsible for building a new IT Service Desk product, one of the best things we ever did was put in place...

  18. Your App Just Crashed – Will You Survive?

    It's rare, particularly in early stage companies, to find any kind of disaster recovery plan. It's a common misconception that disaster recovery (or DR for short) is what big companies...

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