Category Archives: General

  1. On Being a Two

    I had a lot of feedback from you, my beloved readers, on my "What Are You?" post from a week or so ago. Some of the most asked questions were:...

  2. Why Developers Aren’t Interested in Joining Your Company

    "I've got a kick-butt startup that's going to be huge. I just need someone to help me build it!" As a founder, you've lived with your idea long enough that...

  3. What Are You?

    I was in a meeting last week with a very successful investor / entrepreneur last week, and we were talking about the difference between ones and twos. Ones are people...

  4. September Must-Haves

    Each month I’m going to provide a list of resources (podcasts, talks, blog posts, books, music etc.) that I consider to be must-haves. There’s no doubt that you’ll see recurring...

  5. What’s Your Most Pressing Question?

    We've been writing on the topic of eliminating the waste in product development for close to a year now. It's been incredibly rewarding to hear stories from you about how...

  6. The Scott Barstow Show, Episode #019 – Eric Boggs, CEO and founder of RevBoss

    Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher! Eric Boggs is the CEO and founder of RevBoss, a sales pipeline automation company based in Durham, NC. My conversation with Eric was pretty wide-ranging...

  7. Software Creation is Liquifying

    Photo courtesy of Griffin Keller This post originally appeared on Medium. I wanted to share it here on my blog as well because I think it's important that we understand...

  8. Three Words That Could Save Your Venture

    What problem are you facing right now in your business that has got you completely stumped? When you're in the middle of building your company, it's so easy to let...

  9. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

    Over the last couple of years I've worked through two different compliance projects, one for HIPAA and one for defense department clearance. In each case, as the company was preparing for...

  10. Backing Up

    A while ago I wrote about the scenario where your app crashes. If you live long enough, this will happen to you. It's almost a guarantee. If it can happen...

  11. The Scott Barstow Show, Episode #018 – Aaron Cleary, Hacker Extraordinaire

    Aaron Cleary is a world-class white-hat (mostly) hacker and cyber security expert. He works for a large multinational insurance company in Germany and gets paid to fly around the world,...

  12. ¿Habla Español?

    Does your app / product need to support multiple languages? Do you need to support things like bi-directional text (right to left and left to right) or non-western characters such...

  13. Lessons in Hiring Developers From the Open Source World

    When you're hiring those key early team members, it's critical to communicate the level of commitment required to be a part of your team. The best companies are able to...

  14. The Scott Barstow Show, Episode #017 – Jed Carlson, CEO of Adwerx and co-founder of Reverb Nation

    Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher! This is an interview I've been wanting to do since I started this podcast. Jed Carlson is the CEO of Adwerx and co-founder of Reverb...

  15. August Must-Haves

    Each month I’m going to provide a list of resources (podcasts, talks, blog posts, books, music etc.) that I consider to be must-haves. There’s no doubt that you’ll see recurring...

  16. Putting Down the Pencils

    I interviewed Brian Dally of Groundfloor on my podcast a few shows back and there was one moment in the show that jumped out at me. Here's the quote from...

  17. The Scott Barstow Show, Episode #016 – Justin Schneider, CEO and founder of Wolf & Shepherd

    Justin Schneider is the CEO of an up and coming fashion tech company called Wolf & Shepherd. Justin was a decathlete at Notre Dame and after getting out of school...

  18. Do You Need a Technical Advisor?

    If you are not a developer and don't have the background required to build the product or manage the process, then you should have a technical advisor on your team....

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