Category Archives: Uncategorized
This morning I was doing some testing on an application I am building for work, and wanted to set up my Twitter account to forward my SMS messages to my...
I was online the other night chatting with a good friend of mine, when he pinged me a link to a UStream channel that featured Jacory Harris broadcasting live from...
A few years ago, I was at the VON conference in Northern California. I don’t remember the exact circumstances now, but somehow I walked away with a Slingbox in some...
I have recently downloaded and installed the Firefox extension from Matt Constantine, Minimalist Gmail. If you don’t like the clutter of the Gmail interface ( with the chat window, the...
I have really been getting a lot of use out of Google Voice since I last posted about moving your mobile voice mail to Google Voice. I have started moving...
I was reading this post this morning by Seth Godin wherein he talks about wearing more than one hat. I have been thinking a lot about this recently for myself...
Google released a new feature for Google Voice wherein you can now forward your mobile phone voicemail to Google Voice. Google Voice is a service that allows you to have...
I have been using Wave for the last couple days, mainly for doing project and task planning with our offshore developers. I have also used it just to goof around...
I just got done reading Free by Chris Anderson. I got my copy for free from Michael Hyatt at Thomas Nelson for posting on his blog about why I wanted...
I ran across this interesting graph in another article I was reading this morning. The theory behind the graph is that money and happiness are inversely related. The more money...
The news out of Washington today is very troubling. According to numerous sources, the administration is shunning Fox News, and asking other networks to follow suit. After a scuffle on...
I use Google tech for just about everything: Google Voice Gmail Docs Search Picasa This demo about Wave, which is not yet released, may be one of the best demos...
I have been following the story regarding Rush Limbaugh and his pursuit of buying an NFL franchise, the St Louis Rams. Rush was approached by the owner of the St...
I played tennis on Sunday with a guy that works in the server hardware group over at IBM. We were in between games, and chatting about our respective careers. When...
It’s not popular ( or maybe it is ) to disagree with Mark Driscoll, the high-flying pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA. He has become the spokesman for...
“To be honest,” the president said “I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honored by...
A few weeks ago, I wrote about using incentives to drive down the cost of health care, rather than laying on onerous new taxes on sugar, fat, and other harmful...
If you follow me on Twitter, you know that yesterday I recommended buying Lars Brownworth’s new book, Lost To The West. You also ( hopefully ) have read my first...