Category Archives: Uncategorized

  1. Know Thyself

    The further along I get in my venture, the more I realize how important knowing what I am good at (and as importantly what I am not good at) is....

  2. I Wish Twitter Worked Like Domains

    One of the things I would like to see from Twitter is the ability to redirect traffic from one account to another.  For instance, if I owned @scottbarstow and @sbarstow,...

  3. Books To Read – August 2011

    As the hottest summer ever (OK maybe not, but it sure feels like it) rolls on, here are my must-reads for the month of August.  I tend to be reading...

  4. Lady Gaga and the Myth of Accidental Stardom

    I am (obviously) not in show business or music, and so there are times when I tend to think that people that are very famous have stumbled into it.  They...

  5. On Amazon

    Yesterday I went to sign up for Audible, the audio book site.  I have never been a huge fan of audio books in the past, but I can’t keep up...

  6. The Rent Economy Takes It On The Chin

    Update:  AirBnB to offer $50,000 guarantees  I have spent a lot of time thinking about the benefits of the rent economy.  I have been working through the business case for...

  7. Maybe I Was Wrong About Chrysler

    When the federal government bailed out Chrysler a few years back, I was firmly in the camp that they should have been allowed to die.  Chrysler has been a bad...

  8. Giving Before Asking

    I watched an interview with Chris Sacca a few weeks ago wherein he talked about a number of topics of interest, including: How he got started in venture funding How...

  9. I Don’t Care About the NFL

    There was a time when I watched a ton of football, both college and pro.  It was not uncommon for me to spend most of the day Sunday watching the...

  10. Living Without Snail Mail

    It’s amazing what I find out about how our home life operates when the Chief Home Officer (aka my wife) is not here.  One of the more disturbing things I...

  11. What Matters

    Every now and again you get a swift kick in the side of the head about what matters. I have had a running gun battle with a guy at one...

  12. The Rent Economy – Plumgear

    I am really interested in the emerging Rent Economy (not sure if this is a real term, but it sounds good).  What I mean by the Rent Economy is the...

  13. Kindle and My Personal Library

    I love my Kindle (even though I don’t technically own a kindle, I own an iPad and Android tablet that have the Kindle reader on them).  I have read far...

  14. Surviving and Thriving

    When we moved into our house, we found a great builder here in Raleigh to do some work on our house.  He was (and is) a true craftsman.  The work...

  15. Day Two with Spotify

    After spending the day Friday using Spotify, I found a few things that leave me wanting.  In fact, they leave me wanting to the point that I am considering canceling...

  16. Why I Am Excited About Apple’s Volume Purchase Program

    As a developer of applications that are generally specialized and at times focused on a particular company, it always bothered me that those apps would be available in the general...

  17. What’s Going On at Microsoft?

    I read today with much disillusionment a recap of the speech of Kevin Turner, Microsoft’s COO, given at the Worldwide Partner Conference. In the speech, Mr. Turner ran through the...

  18. Business 101

    If you have kids, you are no doubt familiar with the refrain of “I really want to buy X” or “I need a way to make more money so I...

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