
Day One – Optimism Springs Eternal

As I wrote about a few weeks ago, I left Symantec Corporation after two plus years of service.  My last day was this last Friday.

I spent the weekend tying off a bunch of loose ends and have jumped in today with a vengeance on my new venture.  I don’t have a name for this new thing yet, so that is today’s focus.  I need to have something I feel good enough about to last for the next six months to a year at least.

So far I have had a lot of great conversations with people about what the future looks like.  Some ideas are beginning to crystallize in my head and I am really looking forward to executing on these first few things.  More details to come as they emerge.

This blog will remain my personal stomping ground, and I hope to keep the thread going on my Education Is Horked ideas going forward.

Once more into the breach…

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