
Execution In Pakistan Hits Home

I received an email yesterday from a good friend of mine letting me know that a man whom I had helped to raise money for last year had been murdered for blasphemy in Pakistan.  You can read about the story here.

To say that I was overcome with grief is an understatement.  You see, back at the end of last year, this man’s village was torched and burned by radicals in the area, leaving over 2,000 families homeless.  Through a connection with my good friend, we were able to find someone on the ground that could help to distribute aid to those families that now had nothing.  For $150, we were able to buy each family new clothes, bedding, and other necessities to help them restart their lives.  We sent money in small amounts at a time, hoping that we would not raise suspicions around the area and put this man or his family in danger.  We got regular pictures back, showing families receiving their beds and clothing.  It was by all accounts a great success.
We also knew that what happened yesterday was a very real possibility.  Being a Christian in Pakistan is dangerous business.  Everyone involved knew he was taking his life in his hands by professing his faith.  I found out yesterday in sharp relief what it means to die for what you believe in.
I have left the man’s name out of this email on purpose.  We are not sure about the safety of his family or what is going to happen next in this situation.  I would only ask that, if you are so inclined, you would pray for the safety of his family and any other close friends that may also be in danger.
Thank you.
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