Exit, Stage Right
I have been at Symantec for over two years. I came there to work with two good friends on some new initiatives happening after their product was acquired. I had never worked at a company that was so large, nor that had the kind of Fortune 500 customer list that they have. It’s been a mostly fun ride, but I have decided it’s time to move on. I have wanted, for quite some time, to start my own company. Now feels to me like the right time to have a go at it.
In the months leading up to this decision, I have weighed the options many times. There is nothing wrong with having a job that pays well, great benefits, and all of that. It’s what most people want. For me, however, it felt like my soul was being taken out one day at a time. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s the best way to describe how the past six to nine months have felt. I have shared some of the more interesting stories on scottbarstow.com about things that I have heard people say from time to time. It is really quite funny.
I have never gone without a steady paycheck. I don’t know really what kind of angst that will create, but I am sure there will be some. Regardless of how it turns out, the rewards outweigh the risks at this point for me. I don’t mean the rewards of getting rich ( though I would not complain about it ), or any other material thing. I am looking forward to the challenge of seeing if I have what it takes to pull it off. Maybe my ideas will win the day, maybe they won’t. I can’t wait to find out.
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