
Getting Twitter Updates Via Google Voice

This morning I was doing some testing on an application I am building for work, and wanted to set up my Twitter account to forward my SMS messages to my Google Voice account. The setup for Twitter’s mobile integration requires that you send a text message to Twitter’s short code to get things rolling.

I went to Google Voice and promptly sent the required message to Twitter. Sadly, I immediately received an error back. After doing some poking around, it appears that Google Voice does NOT support short codes for SMS, or at the very least they support very few of them ( depending on who you read ).

Has anyone out there found a way around this? This seems like a major hole in the functionality of Google Voice’s SMS feature. If I want to have “One Number For Life” as was the promise of Grand Central back in the day, I need to be able to do it all with that number.

Post a comment here if you have found a way around this, or I am missing something. Here is a link to the thread I found on the Voice support forum.

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