God, Bin Laden and Obama Walk Into A Bar…
Obama says “Hey, Bin Laden. Meet God.”
I read a Facebook thread today wherein there was much hand wringing about how much we Americans are “celebrating” the death of OBL. Somewhere in that thread someone said that we should not decide when it is someone’s time to die. Only God should. A lot of people killed lots of other people so that people could have the right to say things like that.
We aren’t going to see pictures of his royal beardness with a bullet hole in his grape. Conspiracy theorists ride in on their horses to claim he’s not really dead. Obama says “We’re not going to spike the football.” That could very well be the best-ever use of a sports metaphor in politics. Ever. As for the conspiracists, I thought someone said it best when they said “If you don’t believe the guy, you won’t believe his pictures.” Oh, by the way: We never landed on the moon. And… I don’t think the conspiracists exist.
How did Pakistan not know we were flying helicopters into a major metro area? I know they were scrambling jets and stuff, but I bet India is sleeping a little better…
I will be glad when all this feel-good stuff is done with and we can get back to hating each other. Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and the 2012 presidential election can’t get here soon enough if you ask me. Divide and…
End of entropy.
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