
Goodnight, Tokyo.

I turned on the World Cup just in time to watch Japan and Paraguay finish their game ( match ) via penalty kicks ( PKs ).  I can’t think of a worse way to end a game ( match ) of this magnitude.  Yeah, I know Americans ( arrogant Yanks ) don’t know soccer ( football ), and that it used to be sudden death ( golden goal ) until they changed to this new overtime format.  I also know that because we suck so badly at soccer ( football ) and don’t really care about it, our voices should be silenced like so many vuvuzelas.

But, after watching one guy from Japan miss his penalty kick and cost his country the game ( match ), I just figure there has to be a better way.  My proposal:
Give each team ( side ) two additional substitutes and let them play until someone wins it with a real goal, not some lame one on one battle of random good fortune.  Play 15 minute periods and switch sides every time.
It’s simple, and it takes the element of dumb or bad luck out of deciding a game ( match ).  It is a battle to the end, and the team that is better conditioned and better prepared will win the majority of the time.  You could even play 4 of these overtime periods and then go to sudden death ( golden goal ).  Let the game ( match ) be decided on the entire field ( pitch ).
I won’t even start in on instant replay because thats just a forgone conclusion. Just think about what that would have had on Maradona’s goal ( Hand of God ) back in the day?
The use of ( parentheses ) was meant to demonstrate my command of soccer ( football ) vernacular.  Aren’t you impressed?
Thanks for coming out ( until next time )
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