
I agree with Biden

We have the beginnings of a pandemic with this swine flu thing. Joe Biden got on the air this morning and said he would advise his family to stay home, and not to travel in confined places ( subways, airplanes, trains, whatever ).

I thought that was a pretty rational thing to say. But, just goes to show you what a little common sense will get you. He has been blasted all day today for ‘causing fear and panic’ and hurting the travel industry. Read about it here

Excuse us for not wanting another massive flu outbreak. Well said, Joe. Too bad others did not agree and all of the White House types had to madly scramble with the “oh he did not mean that, really” bunk. He meant it, just like P.O. meant his “Special Olympics” crack. This is who these people are. We elected them. Don’t criticize them for being true to themselves.

Of course, this is the same Joe Biden who said we should not quarantine Mexico ( which I totally disagree with ). Sorry Joe. I give credit only where credit is due.

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