
Israel and Egypt

Not just a famous musical composition by G.F. Handel, these two countries have been linked together since the early days of civilization.

Egypt in recent days has tried to inject itself into the ongoing conflict between Israel and its hostile neighbors, in this case Gaza and Hamas.

I was reading this morning and saw this headline from Reuters:

Egypt calls on Israel to end Gaza offensive

In this article, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarek was quote as saying:

“I call on Israel today to end its military operations immediately. And we call on its leaders to (agree) to an unconditional ceasefire and I call on them to withdraw all the forces completely from the strip,” he said in a televised address to the nation.

I wonder what Mubarek’s position would be if Israel started lobbing rockets into its neighborhoods unprovoked. Would he be so much in favor of a cease-fire? Or, perhaps he would do what Israel is doing and use the necessary force to make sure his people are protected.

Hamas has historically hidden out in residential neighborhoods, ensuring that when Israel retaliates that there will be civilian casualties enough to provoke outrage from the rest of the world. They fire their rockets from apartment complexes, endangering the lives of the citizens of Gaza without remorse.

One thing you can say about Israel is that they don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. If you put one of theirs in the hospital, they put one of yours in the morgue.

In spite of what you might read / see in the media coverage of this event, one fact is undisputed: Hamas started this scuffle. Keep that in mind as you read articles like the one I referenced above. The link is below if you want to read the full text.

Read it here

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