
Mexico, Revisited

I spent a few days in Mexico last week, more specifically Cozumel.  I am not sure what I was expecting, but it went something along the lines of tropical paradise.  And for the most part it was exactly that.  I went scuba diving, snorkeling, ate at great restaurants, and had a generally good time.  However, there was another side to the experience, and that was a recurring theme of abject poverty save for about a three mile stretch on the island.

I have always, and I do mean always, thought that those who came across the border from Mexico illegally should be turned away and sent back home.  After all, how much better can life really be for them here in the US when they are taking the worst of the worst jobs as a way to make a living?  I had the fortune ( or misfortune ) of renting a jeep for one of the days we were there and driving around the entire island, and I can say I have a different answer to that question than I did before I went.  The squalor that the majority of the island lives in was simply shocking.  I also spent a lot of time talking to the doorman on the hotel where we were staying.  He was an engaging chap named Abraham, and he always had a smile on his face.  I started asking him about his life, and could not believe some of the answers I heard.  Abraham works eight hours a day, six days a week, for a grand total of $60 US per week ( not including tips ).  He works for $1.25 an hour.
After learning that, I had to ask myself what I would do if I had the option?  Would I take my chances and come across the border to make $7-10 per hour ( or more ), knowing that the worst case is I get sent back home?  And, knowing that if I make it across, that my life will have a chance to be infinitely better?  I am pretty convinced that I would.
I know.  It’s fine if they emigrate legally, right?  The problem is that it now takes forever to emigrate to the US because of all of the terrorist security.  I am not saying it’s right.  I am just saying that there is another side of the coin that smacked me in the face last week.  And, I can see why people do what they have to do to make a better life for themselves.
What do you think?
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