
My Favorite Podcasts, Part 1

I listen to a number of podcasts as a part of my daily exercise routine, as well as when I am driving around town or traveling.  It’s a great way to keep my brain fresh with new ideas.  The list below are the ones I am currently listening to.  I hope you find something in the list that you’ll enjoy as well.

  1. TED Talks – This is, and has been, my favorite podcast.  The amount of amazing and inspiring content that is generated by TED is astounding.  The breadth of subject matter will challenge your world view on a daily basis.
  2. RadioLab – This is a recent addition to my list, and I am loving it.  The other day I listened to a podcast about a guy that can hear and process four symphonies in his head at the same time.  The storytelling is very creative, and very entertaining.
  3. Common Sense with Dan Carlin – This is the only somewhat political podcast in my list of regulars.  I find Dan Carlin to be very informative, politically neutral, and excellent at presenting his case on various topics.
  4. The Accidental Creative – This is a relative newcomer, but it’s outstanding.  Todd Henry has a steady stream of really interesting guests focused on how to better understand the creative process and apply it to my world.
  5. Founder Stories – Chris Dixon provides a steady diet of entrepreneurs and exciting new companies.  The Office Hours segments are great, practical advice on current business trends and topics.  I really like the style of the interviews on this podcast.
  6. 350 Third – The guys that put together this podcast are brilliant, especially the really tall bald-headed one.  Oh wait.  That’s me.  Yes, this is a shameless plug for my podcast with Anders Brownworth.  We are just getting going and would love for you to give it a listen!

I am always looking to broaden my thinking and challenge my assumptions.  Each of the podcasts in this list is a great addition to my personal and professional development.

What are your favorite podcasts, and what would you recommend to anyone reading along?

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