No Barbra. He only thinks that about you.
I ran across a blog entry today by Barbra Streisand wherein she posits that John McCain must think women are stupid if he thinks that just putting a woman on the ticket will sway women voters away.
Of course, in order to be a part of the “Women Smarter Than McCain” group, you have to think like Barbra. Toward the end of the 3rd paragraph you get to the crux of her argument, which is of course abortion. Any of the other objections Babs has could just as easily apply to Obama.
Lets review:
– No foreign policy experience – Obama, Check. Palin Check
– No national experience – Obama, Junior Senator with no real leadership. Palin, Check
– limited state government experience- Obama, none.
– a virtual unknown who has only been Governor ( Senator ) for a less than 2 ( 4) years of a state with a population of fewer than 680,000 people ( OK, Illinois has Chicago )
So, I’ve got bad news for all of you pro-life females out there. You are in fact dumber than John McCain AND dumber than Babs and all of her Hollywood elitist friends.
Spare us your tired rhetoric. Your inability to assign any measure of intelligence to women who might disagree with you is far more insulting than any assumption McCain may have made.
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