Rush and the NFL
I have been following the story regarding Rush Limbaugh and his pursuit of buying an NFL franchise, the St Louis Rams. Rush was approached by the owner of the St Louis Blues and asked if he would be interested in buying the Rams.
The reaction from both other owners and the NFL brass was less than favorable. Citing Rush’s polarizing political views, as well as comments he has allegedly made in the past regarding black players, Roger Goodell ( commissioner of the NFL ) said that there was basically no chance Rush would ever be approved by the other owners.
Rush has taken to the airwaves, crying foul, and pointing to this injustice as a sign that the country is headed over a cliff. Read about it here.
I have a couple of thoughts about this:
1. Rush, you have spent your whole career and made millions upon millions of dollars making half of the population hate you. If you were not so divisive a figure, you would not have the money to buy the team in the first place. I don’t begrudge you any of it. You have made a great living for yourself, and you are entertaining to those that enjoy your show. Don’t whine like a baby and doom the country to the pit of hell because you did not get your way. An NFL team’s primary job is to, say it with me, MAKE MONEY, and if you don’t think that you being an owner would have a negative effect on that, then you are delusional.
2. I remember reading about Al Sharpton denouncing the possibility that Rush could be an owner of an NFL team. Seriously? I am dying to say something about a pot…
Rush, go do what you do best. Entertain your listeners, rail on about Obama at will, and count your blessings. Shut the heck up about your perceived injustice. It just rings a tad empty.
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