
Specialized vs. Pigeon-Holed

There is a big difference between being specialized and being pigeon-holed.

Specialized has a positive connotation.  You are so good at the thing that you do that people seek you out for that thing.  Reputation and (potentially) financial rewards follow you because of your speciality.  When I think of specialists, I think of people like Gary Vaynerchuk or Eric Ries.  They show up and everyone sits up and pays attention.  Specialists CAN do lots of things, but they CHOOSE to do one or a few things and do them really well.

Pigeon-holed is another kettle of fish.  When people think of you, they say in their mind “She does X really well, but not much else” or “He’s the web guy.”  You might get to move up the ladder in the area you are in, but until you have shown you can do something else, it will just be more of the same.

I was at a meeting last week with a guy who made the trip with only his phone.  I typically carry my computer and whatever else I might need to fend off the dragons.  This guy has moved way up the specialization food chain.  If you believe, as I do, that we are becoming a more specialized workforce, then every decision is first “Is this in my sweet spot?  Will this help me get better at the thing I am specializing in?”  The answer out of necessity might be no, but the more you can answer yes, the better.

Are you becoming specialized or pigeon-holed?  One or the other is happening, so start paying attention.

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