Stick a fork in me
Last night was my last night as the head coach of varsity boys basketball at Trinity Academy. I spent the last four winters doing something that I never thought I would have the chance to do, and it was both more work and more fun than I could have imagined at the beginning.
Sports, for anyone that knows me, has been a great passion of mine for as long as I can remember. Sports teaches so many great lessons about perseverance, tenacity, and discipline.
I often wonder at the end of every year what impact I had on the young men in the program. It’s hard to get anything out of a teenager except grunts and shoulder shrugs.
Last night, after I told the team that I would not be back next year, I got a lot of “oh well” kind of looks from the guys. But one of them came up to me a bit later in the night and said “I am really sad about you not coming back. Thank you for being my coach. “
I will miss the heck out of coaching. But, it’s time to move on at least for now. Evil plans await.
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