The Right To Say What You Want – As Long As You Agree
The news out of Washington today is very troubling. According to numerous sources, the administration is shunning Fox News, and asking other networks to follow suit.
After a scuffle on Fox News Sunday regarding a secretary for Veterans Affairs, the Obama administration has started pulling guests off of the network. In addition, senior advisor David Axelrod has been quoted as saying that the administration does not consider Fox to be a legitimate news source. “Other news organizations like yours ought not to treat them that way,” Axelrod counseled ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “We’re not going to treat them that way.”
Thankfully, not all in the Obama camp see through the lens of complete paranoia that seems to pervade the White House. Both David Gergen and Donna Brazile have criticized the administration openly for the escalating war on Fox.
I don’t particularly care for Fox News. I don’t like Bill O’Reilly, and I really don’t like Glenn Beck. I don’t really care for any major network news, either. It all has a slant, either one way or the other. I think the only legitimate news source left may be the BBC.
That being said, I cannot recall such a deliberate, calculated attack on a dissenting viewpoint since I have been paying attention to these things. It is troubling, and we should all be watching this one.
Someone, please convince me I am overreacting here…
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