
The Scott Barstow Show, Episode #005 – Matt Fiedler, CEO of Vinyl Me, Please


My guest for this show is Matt Fiedler, CEO and co-founder of Vinyl Me, Please.

Vinyl Me, Please is a record of the month club unlike any other. Not only do you get an awesome, curated new vinyl record every month, but you also get a cocktail recipe and artist / label goodies you can’t get anywhere else.

We cover a lot of topics in this show, including:

  • How Matt and his co-founder Tyler came up with the original idea
  • How they tested different permutations with early customers
  • How they funded the company in the early going
  • The trials and tribulations of partnerships
  • How they found and hired key early employees
  • How they survived a near-death experience as a company
  • How he misjudged when to build out his technology platform
  • and much, much more

Matt’s brutally honest in this interview. You’re going to learn a ton from it. I know I did.

I hope you enjoy, and as always thanks for listening!

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