
The Scott Barstow Show, Episode #021 – Jon Spinney, CEO and co-founder of Malartu Funds


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My guest for this show is Jon Spinney, CEO and founder of Malartu Funds. Malartu brings individual investors, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists on the same platform to help entrepreneurs tell their story better and to help investors find companies doing great things. It’s a big idea and they’re starting to see some really great traction.

Jon’s got a unique perspective on building a tech company as he wanted to be a chef for a long time, and then started building a company to support restaurant back office. When he and Sean Steigerwald, his co-founder, hatched the idea for Malartu it was largely out of the frustration of the struggle to raise money for prior ventures.

Like Brian Dally and Groundfloor, Malartu is battling entrenched regulations that are outdated and in flux. You’ll hear Jon talk about all of the struggles they’ve endured as they waited for legislation to pass in their favor, how they planned for different scenarios, how his food service background helps him to run the company today, and a whole lot more.

Links to Jon and Malartu

Jon on Twitter

Malartu Funds website

Malartu on Twitter

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