
The Wind

I was watching Voyage of the Dawn Treader last weekend.  There are a series of scenes while the crew are on the way to Dragon Island where they are in an incredible storm, and then in complete calm.  The scenes from the storm are intense:  everyone on board is just trying to hang on and stay on the ship.  The scenes from the calm are a different kind of trouble:  the crew is restless and irritable, not knowing when or if they will find the island.

Many people prefer complete calm to violent storms.  However, it turns out that without a little bit of wind, the ship just sits still and you go nowhere.  In a storm, it’s clear what your mission is:  survive.  When it’s calm, you have to figure out a way to get yourself moving.

While very different, being able to operate in both circumstances have their own set of challenges.  I personally have had much more experience ( at least in business ) in storms where things are raging all around and it’s about surviving and hanging on.  The task of finding the wind has been a lot more difficult.  My nephew Tyler found a pretty cool initial breeze for something he is doing on Thursday.  I can’t wait to see where it ends up.

Where do you find you thrive?

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