
Time Warner Cable screwed it up ( again )

A few weeks back we were having all kinds of issues with our internet service here at the house.  We called Time Warner a few times and they eventually got it resolved.

A week or so later I got a nice note from the director of operations telling me how sorry they were for my service problems.  As a token of appreciation, at the bottom of his letter he attached a coupon for a free Movie On Demand.  The coupon requires me to fill out all of my information, along with the date and name of the movie I watched and mail it back to them.  At first I thought it must be some kind of joke.  They could have, without any trouble at all, simply gone into my account and credited my account.  Instead, they know that there is very little chance I will ever send this back in before I lose it or it expires.
This is the sort of thing that makes me ready to switch providers.  It requires more effort, more time and more money for them to do the wrong thing, and yet they do it.  I am sure some executive at Time Warner here in Raleigh came up with this program, backed with all kinds of statistics about how many people would actually redeem the coupon and how much money they might save.  If whomever came up with this little idea actually reads this, I would encourage you to change the policy immediately with an eye toward preserving your customer base.  You are no longer the only player that can provide all of the services I need, so perhaps your monopoly thinking should change.
Poorly done, Time Warner.  AT&T’s UVerse service is looking better every day.
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