
To Finish

I read a quote a few weeks back by Bob Cringley, one of my favorite people.  Because he is a successful author, he gets a lot of people telling him about how they want to write a book.  His observation was interesting.  He said “Everyone thinks they want to write a book.  What they really mean is that they want to have written a book.”

I would imagine the same kind of logic can be applied to starting your own company, or striking out on a path less traveled.  It’s easy to talk about how you want to do this or that, if you only had the time or if it was just the right time.  What is significantly more difficult is to actually follow through, to do it.  To take the leap.

Even harder still is to complete something.  To finish.

Everything you thought you knew will be questioned and put to the test.  The temptation to run screaming back to what you know is safe ground is overwhelming.  The voices telling you how much of an idiot you are get louder every day.

The question is not “Do you want to start?”  The real question, as I am finding every day, is “How badly do you want to finish?”

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