Why Elections Matter
I am not going to join the fracas over the passage of the health care bill. What needs to be said on both sides of the issue has already been said many times.
My only comment is that this is why elections matter, and why we should never take lightly the commitments and promises made by those running for our most influential offices. President Obama pledged to pass health care reform, and he did it. You can like it, or not like it, but he did what he said he was going to do. You have to commend his ability to make this happen, regardless of your thoughts for the actual legislation.
The impact of yesterday will be felt for decades. Historically, the budgetary impact analysis done at the time of passage is off exponentially to what is actually required to fund this sort of initiative. We can all be sure that we will all be asked to pay in more from what we make as this takes flight. Regardless of what was said, it is inevitable. It may not be in income tax, but it will happen.
I hope that those that voted for passage of this bill are prepared to live with the decision and be judged in the context of history. They may be right, they may be wrong. I have my opinions, but they are nothing more than that.
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