
Worth Watching – November 2011

Recently there have been several videos that have captured (or recaptured) my interest.  As I have done with books for a while,

Objectified is a really interesting documentary on industrial design.  From BMW to Braun to Apple, the best in design is explored in this 1.5 hour film. Available for streaming on Netflix or Amazon, or for purchase on iTunes.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs – All Things D Conference 

Having just finished the Steve Jobs biography, I went looking for this video on the recommendation from a good friend.  From the very earliest relationships up to the present day, Jobs and Gates recount their friendship, competition, and often times reliance upon one another for their success.  While both took vastly different approaches to solving the problem of personal computing, their paths intersected at most every turn.  Really interesting video, and worth the time.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

If you are a fan of the book series, you are no doubt eagerly awaiting the release of the Hollywood version of this film at Christmas time.  However, a few weeks ago we watched the Swedish version on Netflix and it is very, very good.  After watching it, I am having a hard time believing the American release will be any better.  The characters in this film are spot on with the book, making it a very enjoyable film.  Available for streaming on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

There you have it.  The first set of Worth Watching.  I hope you enjoy these films as much as I have over the last few weeks.

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