
Would You Like Some Bland With That?

I spent the week between Christmas and New Years in Tulsa, OK visiting family.  On one of the days my wife and I decided to go get some coffee (or tea in my case).  There were, of course, sixteen Starbucks within a five mile radius of where we were, but I wanted something different.

We stumbled upon a cool little, locally owned, coffee shop called Agora with the help of Google Maps.  What I loved about this place was that they took the time to help us find a coffee and tea that were really perfect for the day and our mood.  I actually ordered something, changed my mind, and got something different without the guy rolling his eyes and treating me like an idiot (or charging me for the first drink).

Later on that same day we went to Pepper’s Grill for dinner.  If you are ever in Tulsa, this is really the only place I would characterize as a must-visit.  They have some of the best tex-mex food on the planet.  Not coincidentally, they are also locally owned.

I am getting to where I will drive a good bit out of the way to have an experience that I can’t get on every corner in every city in the US.  I know people love Panera and Starbucks, but they are all so bland.  Who wants bland?

How about you?  Do you prefer convenience and consistency over quality and excellence?  Do you look for local and unique over national and same?

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