“Simply one of the most compelling stories you'll ever read.”

“In many ways, I grew up with Steve Martin. I listened to A Wild and Crazy Guy as a kid. The Jerk was one of the first R-rated movies I...”

“I was somehow living under a rock and hadn't heard about this book. A tremendous story of avarice, corruption and abuse of power.”

“Light read about New York high society. We listened to this book on a 10-hour car trip and it was a perfect fit. Don't know that I would've read it...”

“I've done work with a large Syrian refugee community here in Raleigh and found myself wanting to know more about Islam. Excellent book on the historical context for Islam's rise...”

“This series is look into daily life in Sweden through the eyes of Anita Sundstrom, a police detective in Malmo. I've read all nine of the books and found them...”

“I read this book right after reading Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. It's completely different, and a lighter read. If you are a book lover like me, this is a...”

“A great story about partnership, gaming, entrepreneurship and love all rolled up into one. I read this book in less than two days while on a short holiday and was...”

“I have a not-so-secret love affair with all things Scandinavia. This book was a hilarious, yet incredibly insightful, read into the culture, economies and politics of the Scandinavian countries. Great...”

“A peek under the covers of Apple's design process as they built the iPhone keyboard”

“Such a great and timely book given the times we are living through. A deep exploration of the history and importance of free speech, and the constant back and forth...”

“This book was recommended by one of my favorite podcasts and I absolutely loved it. Great mindset shift for me to move from thinking in binary to thinking in probabilities....”

“I started reading this series during COVID and finished all of the books except the most recent over the course of 18 months or so. The TV series on Amazon...”

“Every now and then I come across an author who takes on topics in such a unique and interesting way that I end up reading all of their books. Reza...”

“I'll go on the record and say I was a fan of the takedown of Gawker before I read this book. The stuff they got away with, for so long,...”

“I listened to an interview with Eric Maddox on the Invest Like the Best podcast and was captivated by the story in summary form, so I decided to read the...”

“One of the best business biographies I've ever read, Bad Blood is a MUST-READ. From literally three minutes in, you will be hooked and not be able to put it...”

“I read this after seeing it on Bill Gates' summer reading list and it did not disappoint. I've enjoyed everything I've read from Isaacson and this was no exception to...”

“Another John Green book (I've been on a bit of a roll lately with him as they're great "right before bed" reading). When a billionaire dies mysteriously, Aza takes up...”

“Looking for Alaska is the story of a group of social outcasts at boarding school in Alabama trying to make their way and figure out who they are. Alaska is...”

“I know. I know. I'm way late to the party. Everyone reads The Outsiders in high school. But I didn't. And I never saw the movie either. So now I've...”

“I don't generally read these kinds of books because, for the most part, the stories feel a bit cheesy. In addition, the people who were privileged enough to be in...”

“A riveting look deep inside North Korea combined with a harrowing tale of escape for the author. I started reading this on a Monday and finished the last 30% of...”

“David Whyte is an English poet who works with companies and organizations to discover their highest and best through poetry. I've never read much poetry, but after listening to this...”

“I heard an interview with Boyd Varty on Invest Like the Best and was so intrigued by his story that I decided to read his book. The book is a...”

“Quite fashionable these days to be a consumer of Stoic philosophy, but I think the reason for that is that Stoicism offers a particularly refreshing point of view that's in...”

“There are a handful of books which have had a lasting, profound effect on my life. This is at or near the top of the list. As someone who's struggled...”

“A.G. Riddle is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. This book is my favorite so far, and it's the first in a two-part series called The Extinction Files. Pandemic...”

“Hellhound On His Trail recounts the manhunt for James Earl Ray, Martin Luther King Jr's assassin. From the first page to the last, this book flies by. Hampton Sides does an...”

“I read / watch just about everything I can on the drug war / drug trade. For some reason I have a morbid obsession with the topic. Wolf Boys is...”

I really hate formality. When we are born, there is no formality. When we die, there is no formality. When we enter hospital, there is no formality. So formality is just artificial. It just creates additional barriers. So irrespective of our beliefs, we are all the same human beings. We all want a happy life.

“Darknet is the first book I read by Matthew Mather. I also have read Cyberstorm which I highly recommend. Darknet is the story of a stockbroker who stumbles into a secret...”

“Cyberstorm is a book about a small community's quest to survive an all-out cyber attack on the US in the midst of one of the most deadly weather events in...”

“There's not enough time to write about the greatness of this book. It is a seminal work on the history of humans, going way back in evolutionary history and walking...”

I'm a micro-pessimist and macro-optimist due primarily to this book. We, as humans, have a remarkable capacity to invent solutions to seemingly intractable problems right when we need to have them.

A treatment of inter-generational dynamics that are a must-read for the times we live in. You will find yourself and your generation in this book, and it will help you to understand why you are so different from the other humans walking around.

A solid book on life lessons from two wise dudes, with some basketball thrown in.

The best book on the power of perseverance and being a true warrior you'll ever read.